The Sporting Bengal Football Academy (SBFA) was established in May 2012 with the support of ex-professional footballer Anwar Uddin.  It was identified that local talented footballers were not fulfilling their true potential due to lack of structured football training from an early age and because of no clear pathways to professional football. With the support of Anwar Uddin, the academy got off to a great start. 

In the open trials period more than 200 children came in the first 2 weeks. In the first year over 50 boys registered and in the second year over 60 boys registered.

The community has welcomed the initiative and it has had great support from the parents.


May 2012


Anwar Uddin


Stepney Green Astro pitch

Opening Hour & Days

The academy is open every Tuesday’s from 6pm- 8pm

Young People

around 75 boys

Age Group

Children from 6-16 the opportunity to receive structured football coaching

 The academy is open to all children in Tower Hamlets and neighbouring boroughs.

We would like to thank everyone involved with the academy, coaches, parents, volunteers for helping to make it a real success. This year we are hoping it to be even bigger and better.


Academy Management

Manik Miah

Head of Academy